Risk Hub
Live risk monitoring and alerts ensure you’re up to date on current and developing risks.
We give you the tools to mitigate you risks.
Risk Hub includes Inspection Hub, Event Hub and Monitor Hub

Monitor Risk in real time. Our Risk algorithms combine:
Inspection data
Online instrumentation data
Human behaviour data
To provide real time measurement of risk.
Risk is communicated graphically, using risk matrices and labelled dashboard elements.
Receive alerts when your equipment risk increases. Alerts include:
The specific equipment responsible for the risk increase
Potential mitigations for the high risk

Plant risk assessed at a granular level. Bearings, lengths of pipework and sections of pressure vessels are each independently assessed for several damage mechanisms.
100’s of component-damage component combination algorithms are available.
Key data from
Inspection Hub
Event Hub
Monitor Hub
all feed into risk algorithms, giving you a detailed view of your risk when you need it.

We augment broker and insurer led surveys, ensuring the most accurate portrayal of your risk is communicated to insurers.
Management & Operations and Equipment specific surveys
Survey score provides baseline for improvement and reporting
Granular scoring provides guide for focus areas
Survey questions link directly to risk improvement recommendations and actions
Equipment specific AI assistants to help with technical questions.
Select the assistant that will help you the most
Code and Standards Assistant
Steam Turbine Assistant
Wind Turbine Assistant
Boiler Assistant, and more…