Monitor Hub
monitoring your equipment
Our equipment specific monitoring tools are designed to monitor the long term integrity and performance of your equipment. Monitor Hub includes Inspection Hub and Event Hub.
Turbine integrity management
Bearing vibration and temperature analysis
Steam temperature and pressure tracking
Visualisation, interpretation and trending of DGA results
Furanic compound trending
Daily condition monitoring
Generator integrity monitoring
Temperature excursion analysis
Production target tracking
Reactive power import/export monitoring
Temperature excursion analysis
Boiler efficiency trending
Thermal index calculations
Lube oil system monitoring
Air:Fuel ratio analysis
Bearing vibration and temperature trending and excursion warnings
TTD, DCA and heat duty computations
Temperature transfer trending
Tube plug mapping
Temperature and pressure differential monitoring
Performance visuals
Heat X-ratio computation
Motor integrity management
Winding temperature and current trending
Operating hours determination
TTD computation and trending
Condenser vacuum analysis
Cooling tower performance monitoring
Temperature excursion analysis
Computation of duration operated within user-defined temperature ranges
Consolidation of site wide monitoring tools
Alert acknowledgement system
Quick link to dedicated monitoring tool page
Dashboard creation per asset class
Customised with design limits
Shows integrity and performance based warnings
Equipment specific AI assistants to help with technical questions.
Select the assistant that will help you the most
Code and Standards Assistant
Steam Turbine Assistant
Wind Turbine Assistant
Boiler Assistant, and more…